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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Investigating the Effect of Comparative Pressure and Environmental Changes on the Relationship between Information Technology and Organizational Agility (Case Study: Ilam's Petro Chemistry)

Seidmehdi Veiseh, Tayebe Hedari, Vahid Sharafi, Ahmad Kamari

Open access

The current study is aimed to investigate the effect of comparative pressure and environmental changes on the relationship between information technology and organizational agility. This is a descriptive – measuring study in which structural equations modeling has been used. Populations included 504 employees of petro Chemistry Company of Ilam among whom 119 ones were selected as the sample by use of Cochrane's formula. Data was gathered by use of a standard questionnaire. In order to examine the reliability and credibility of the questionnaire, Cronbach’SA method was used (? = %91). Data was analyzed by use of structural equations modeling and Lizrel's software. Results show that there is a meaningful relationship between information technology and organizational agility. Moreover, the variable comparative pressure acts as a mediator.