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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Study of Organizational Justice, Violation of Psychological Contract and its Effect on Job Satisfaction in Paints Industry of Pakistan

Ayesha Tariq Naeem, Freeha Ihsan, Zahid Mahmood Zahid

Open access

Human resource is a back bone of every organization, without employee no work can be done. So employee’s satisfaction is very important in all terms. Employees will be more satisfied if they get what they expected. When employees are treated fairly overall in the organization, they feel need of reciprocal response to the organization in positive behaviors. Organizational justice and psychological contracts are important factors that influence the satisfactions of the personal in an organization. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among organizational justice (Procedural, Distributional and Interactional), psychological contract and job satisfaction. This paper examines the effect of Job satisfaction on Organizational justice and explains the concept of psychological contract and presents the result of a survey of managers and officers from the paints industry of Pakistan. Data was gathered from 100 employees in the paints industry of Pakistan through the survey method by developing questionnaire. The questionnaire contained the items of all the variables used in the study, for the reason to get the correct results. The data collected was analyzed by using SPSS 17.0. The results revealed a negative relationship between psychological contract violation with both job satisfaction r = -.130 at p = .008 and distributional justice Value of r =-0.115 at p=0.254.