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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Management of Muslim Elderly based on Hadith Nabawi: A Proposed Model in Malaysia

Mohd Syukri Mohd Noor, Wan Kamal Nadzif Wan Jamil, Norazmi Anas, Anaztasia Natasha Muhamad Ramlan

Open access

Management of the elderly has been given central priority to safeguard their welfare and well-being, geared towards producing healthy and protected elderly in accordance with the National Senior Citizens Policy (NSCP). The rise in cases of neglect and abuse of the elderly in our country stems from poor social support that involves financial constraints, high cost of living and medical care as well as the irresponsible attitude of heirs in caring for their elderly or parents, together with Western management models that are not pursuant to religious teachings. Thus, the objectives of this study are (i) To identify the issues, challenges and needs of elderly management in Malaysia and (ii) Propose a management model for Muslim elderly based on hadith nabawi in Malaysia. The findings revealed that there is a need to develop a new model of elderly management based on hadith nabawi in Malaysia consistent with Malaysia’s status as an Islamic country, with Islam as a federal religion and majority of Malaysians are Muslim. It is hoped that this latest model will be able to solve the issues and challenges of neglect and mistreatment of the elderly in Malaysia and subsequently create a community who regard them highly in furtherance of common prosperity given the challenges of globalization today.

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In-Text Citation: (Noor et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Noor, M. S. M., Jamil, W. K. N.W., Anas, N., & Ramlan, A. N. M. (2022). Management of Muslim Elderly based on Hadith Nabawi: A Proposed Model in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(5), 1809 – 1830.