ISSN: 2222-6990
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School level education in Malaysia has gone through several phases, namely the colonial phase, the post -independence phase, the phase after 13 May 1969 and the phase of the globalization era. This phase has changed the school -level educational landscape especially those related to unity. If in the colonial phase, education at the school level is not geared towards closer unity because it is based on vernacular schools and the implementation of the policy of division and order. However, after independence and the events of 13 May 1969 has changed the goals of school education where the government began to work hard to strengthen unity through the National Education Policy. This is to achieve the goal of the Razak Statement and the Rahman Talib Statement to unite children in Malaysia. Although the goal of unity has been considered in the school education system, but the implementation of a national education policy that uses a uniform curriculum and Malay as the language of knowledge and strengthen unity, is still in the process of being achieved until now. Thus, this paper will discuss the development of school level education and analyze the issues of unity during the colonial era and after independence.
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In-Text Citation: (Uslim et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Uslim, N. M., Aris, H., & Abdul Hamid, H. (2022). Analysis of Ethnic Unity in The School Level Education System in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(5), 1856– 1866.
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