ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Due to misperceptions about blue-collar jobs and increasing demand for blue-collar personnel, the manufacturing sector has the greatest turnover rate. Malaysia's manufacturing sector is likewise declining. Manufacturers face significant turnover expenses, including recruiting and training of blue-collar manufacturing personnel, due to high turnover intention and poor performance. The COVID-19 epidemic is exacerbating these long-standing issues. High organizational commitment is a requirement for keeping and boosting employee performance, therefore the present researcher may investigate it. Perceived organizational support influences organizational commitment, according to study.
There aren't many studies on how perceived organizational support leads to organizational commitment, therefore the serial mediator is the key contribution of this study. There is a missing link in a causal connection if a researcher utilizes just one mediator, work-related stress or job satisfaction, to mediate the relationship between perceived organizational support and organizational commitment when work-related stress is a requirement of job satisfaction. This study examines organizational commitment using perceived organizational support as a predictor and work-related stress and job satisfaction as sequential mediators.
This research uses the Job Demands-Resources Model as the underlying theory and the Person-Environmental Fit Model, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory, Hertzberg's Two Factors Theory, Social Exchange Theory, Personality Traits, and the Three Component Model of Commitment as supporting theories to justify serial mediating and moderating. Quantitative research was used. 385 manufacturing workers were chosen using multi-stage cluster sampling. Surveys gather data. This study uses Hayes Process Macros for SPSS to accept or reject hypotheses. This study contributes to the literature on characteristics that might increase organizational commitment to improve employee performance and reduce turnover intention. Researchers anticipate this research would assist firms develop good HR and commitment strategies.
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In-Text Citation: (Tatt et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Tatt, W. C., Hoo, W. C., & Krishnan, S. (2022). A Proposed Serial Multiple Mediation Model for Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Commitment among Klang Valley Blue-Collar Manufacturing Employees. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(6), 1528 – 1541.
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