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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Fostering Critical Literacy in English Language Teaching Through Democratic Participation

Muhammad Azhar Khan Ashfar Ahmad, Azlina Abdul Aziz

Open access

Malaysia’s Education System aims to supply the country with marketable and productive human capitals for the purpose of flourishing the economy. However, the production of human capitals is often faced with setbacks especially with regards to inculcating critical thinking skills or high order thinking skills in lessons in individual classrooms. This could be due to the lack of ability in creating suitable lessons or materials and the race to score well in examinations. Hence, an intervention program was created with the aims to foster critical literacy through democratic citizenship activities while practising using language in a second language classrooms. With critical literacy integrated into the intervention, the cognitive skills of the learners are enhanced, critical literacy and critical pedagogy are very suitable with the requirement of the Malaysian Education Visions as it complements the six student’s aspiration outlined in the Malaysian Education Blueprint. The program requires students to role play as parliamentary candidates, conduct research and hold a debate in a mock-up parliamentary sessions. Data was collected through students’ reflections and researchers’ field notes. Findings suggest that learners are able to move beyond the passive learning styles and are able to accept, manage and understand more complex information and ideas.

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In-Text Citation: (Ahmad & Abdul Aziz, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ahmad, M.A. K. A., & Abdul Aziz, A. (2022). Fostering Critical Literacy in English Language Teaching Through Democratic Participation. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(6), 13 – 27.