ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This study focuses on the integration of universal values through personalized education for technology learning in a 5.0 society that is appropriate to the application of technology in daily life. This goal has always been the traditional goal of education and training for human resource development. This includes support for the STEM community in STEM-technology programs and promoting value education at all levels in academic subjects, studies, research and development of the application of real values and ethics locally and internationally. The objective of the study was to analyze, design, build, evaluate and shape the Dining on the Cloud model: an Easy-to-digest e-Module with Podcasts, Audio & Video AR Books. The UDin model or in Malay Rengkas model is used in the study of development media. This UDin model or Rengkas model is an integrated agile version model for instructional design, development, assessment and personalized learning environment model in education. In line with the development of Malaysia towards a 5.0 society from the 4.0 industrial revolution, this study applies the latest technology in the development of learning media and further identifies the influence of access, environment, media, reflection and engagement on personalized learning. Finally, the impact of PdPn on values in self-development to build a civil society will be studied. The reliability and validity of the study instruments also have the potential to be implemented with modern statistical methods using the Rasch Model.
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In-Text Citation: (Din et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Din, R., Othman, N., Zabidi, A. F. M., Ngah, A. H., Matore, M. E. @ E. M., Ikhsan, Z., Yassin, S. F. M., Kamaruzaman, F. M., & Nawawi, S. F. A. (2022). Technology Education with Integrated Values: From the Perspective of Risalah Nur in Building a Prosperous Society 5.0. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(6), 102-119.
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