ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Learning vocabulary can be difficult, especially for non-native English students. It is critical that students are familiar with a variety of vocabulary learning strategies and find the one that suits them best. This paper is a study to investigate vocabulary and translation strategies used by 30 Year 6 pupils from two suburban primary schools in Sarawak, Malaysia. The items of the strategies used are based on Cohen and Oxford’s Young Learners’ Language Strategy Use Survey. Two main objectives of this study are: 1) to investigate the most used vocabulary strategies utilised by the Year 6 pupils to improve their English vocabulary; and 2) to identify the most used translation strategies employed by the Year 6 pupils when learning English as a second language (ESL). The data collected were analysed descriptively. The findings revealed that most of the pupils utilise the strategy of repeating the new vocabulary over and over again to memorise them. When it comes to translation strategies, majority pupils will strive to understand English but they will still convert it into their own target language when they hear it. Hence, this research had provided researchers with some insight on the Language Learning Strategies employed by the suburban primary school pupils.
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In-Text Citation: (Ling et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ling, N. S., Swyny, A. B., Yieng, C. D. M., Batu, D. K. A., & Hashim, H. (2022). ESL Vocabulary and Translation Strategies Used by Year 6 Pupils. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(6), 303 – 314 .
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