ISSN: 2222-6990
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With the rapid growth of computer technology, the banking industry has quickly evolved the use of online banking as a cost-effective and efficient technique of increasing customer value. It is one of the most popular services supplied by traditional banks in order to deliver faster and more dependable services to online users. Online banking can be used to attract more clients to conduct banking activities at associated banks. Customer satisfaction is an important factor in a bank's ability to maintain a competitive advantage. The goal of this paper is to assess customer satisfaction with online banking services during a pandemic Covid-19. There are 322 sets of survey questionnaires with 38 questions that are constructed, distributed, and collected from respondents who are online banking users among youths. The regression analysis results show the quality, security & privacy of services and convenience and customer’s satisfaction towards online banking.
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In-Text Citation: (Basir et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Basir, S. N. M., Ramachandran, S. R., Ismail, F., Ismail, N. Q. A., Ishak, N. H. I., & Othman, N. Z. (2022). Regression Analysis on Customer Satisfaction towards Online Banking Service During Pandemic Covid-19. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(6), 785 – 793.
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