ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The contribution of female lecturer in education profession is undeniable and their satisfaction is crucial to retain them in this field. This research was conducted with the aim to investigate the factors that influence the female lecturer satisfaction in private higher education institution in Perak, Malaysia. Subsequently it intends to examine the effect of female lecturer satisfaction on their job retention. Perceived Organization Support Theory and Theory of Organizational Equilibrium have been applied in this research to explain the relationship among the variables. Questionnaires were distributed to female lecturers in five higher private educations institution in Perak. The result shows that workplace diversity, workplace recognition and rewards and work life balance have a positive effect on job satisfaction among female lecturer, while workplace environment has no significant effect on their job satisfaction. The current research also found that job satisfaction has a significant effect on female lecturer retention. Among all the factors, workplace diversity has the highest effect on female lecturer satisfaction. This implies that diverse workplace with variety of ethnic, education level and job position will influence female lecturer satisfaction. It is expected that this study will contributes to the management of higher education institutions and also contribute to further researches.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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