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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Mediating Role of Innovation on The Relationship Between Intellectual Capital and Private Universities Performance of Pakistan

Qalander Buksh Ali, Md. Lazim Bin Mohd Zin, Saiful Azizi bin Ismail

Open access

Universities are the hub of knowledge creation which totally based on their intellectual resources, currently the condition of Pakistan private sector universities are facing huge trouble. Universities are lacking from all their intangibles resource which can help them in successive performance, these resources normally based on the intellectual capital which is usually considered as an intangible capital of universities. Pakistan higher education is ranked at 150th spot out of 189 countries and also far behind in research productivity as compared to the neighbour countries. Therefore, current study will focus intellectual capital as a key determinant in the successive performance of private universities performance in Pakistan with mediating role of innovation in terms of speed and quality. The current study highlighted the important flaws in higher education institutions of Pakistan and provides possible solutions in the form of intellectual capital and innovation that can enhance the performance of HEI’s. Positivist paradigm and deductive approach has been used in current study, primary data collection shall be conducted through questionnaire and the target population would be considered full time faculty members of private universities operating in Pakistan.

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In-Text Citation: (Ali et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ali, Q. B., Zin, M. L. B. M., & Ismail, S. A. B. (2022). The Mediating Role of Innovation on The Relationship Between Intellectual Capital and Private Universities Performance of Pakistan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(7), 1797 – 1812.