ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Workplace deviant behavior is the issue of universal that involves multiple organizations and various group of workers, whether there is support or professional. This problem of deviant behavior brings negative implications to the organization socially and economically. This study aims to determine the level of workplace deviant behavior among government officers in Putrajaya. This study also conducted to compare the significant differences in workplace deviant behaviour among selected social demographic variables (age, gender, marital status, position, level of education and tenure in service). This is a quantitative study which used simple random sampling technique to dictate the number of respondents. There are 380 samples which consists of government officers in grade 41 to grade 54 from 22 ministries in Putrajaya. The result indicated that the level of workplace deviant behaviour among the government officers in Putrajaya was low. For demographic factors, the current study found that, there were no significant differences in WDB among the respondents with different age, gender, marital status, position, level of education and tenure in service.
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In-Text Citation: (Bachok et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Bachok, A., Silva, J. L. D., & Zawawi, D. (2022). Effect of Organizational and Interpersonal Dimensions on Workplace Deviant Behaviour among Government Officers in Putrajaya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(13), 126 - 138.
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