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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Performance Monitoring and Knowledge Worker Productivity

Muneer Al Dwaikat, Kartinah Ayupp, Yousef Alahmad Alolabi

Open access

This study aims at developing a conceptual model depicting the interrelationship of employee performance monitoring, stress, knowledge management, and knowledge worker productivity. In this study, past research related to employee performance monitoring and knowledge worker productivity is used as base research to identify the study's constructs and develop the conceptual model. The final emerges model, which may be tested quantitatively, has four constructs. These are employee performance monitoring, stress, knowledge management, and knowledge worker productivity. In the finally evolved model, employee performance monitoring acts as the exogenous variable, knowledge worker productivity as the endogenous variable, and stress and knowledge management as mediators.

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In-Text Citation: (Al Dwaikat et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Al Dwaikat, M., Ayupp, K., & Alolabi, Y. A. (2022). Performance Monitoring and Knowledge Worker Productivity. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(7), 386 – 406.