ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Health is the primary key to the well-being of every human being. The healthcare practice should start from a young age and continue to be nurtured. However, the report of the Malaysian Youth Index 2015 (IBM '15) shows the overall health score of Malaysian youth is at a moderate level with a score of 68.42. Similarly, the nutrition practice score is at an alarming level of only 43.52 and needs to be given serious attention by all parties. A study conducted among IPTA students found that health literacy is a factor that predicts health information-seeking behaviour. Students with good health literacy (searching for health information through the Internet) can impact health management and are a determinant of good health quality. Therefore this study examines whether the search for health information through the Internet influences their health behaviours. In general, this study uses a survey method using a survey form on 261 respondents consisting of USAS students to determine factors that contribute to changes in health behaviours. It showed that the goal factor gave significant results with a value of F = 37.468, p <0.05, and a combination of goal factors with context factors (F = 21.584, p <0.05). Significantly that goal factor contributed 12.6% of the variance to health behaviour change (R2 = 0.126) for 261 students. These findings mean that goal factors are the main predictors that influence student health behaviours.
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In-Text Citation: (Ab Hadi et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ab Hadi, S. N. I., Hassan, M. S., Jamri, M. H., & Allam, S. N. S. (2022). Model of Health Behaviour Changes among Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(7), 1177 – 1186.
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