ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Kitab ‘Pelita Penuntut’ (The Light for The Learners) by Syeikh Muhammad Shafie, Linggih, is one of the greatest kitab (book) made for learners about the values and packed as a guidance for the learners who seek for knowledge. It was written in 1357h and translated from Kitab Ta’lim Al- Muta’allim Thoriq At-Ta’lim written by Syeikh Az-Zarnuji (lived in the 6th century). This kitab originally written in old Jawi text discussing about the guidance for seeking knowledge from the learners’ view. This article however, is a vice versa where it try to implement the idea in the opposite way where it seeks from the teachers’ perspective and how non-optionist teacher can be influence by this method. By all 13 chapters of guidelines, this research found 8 chapters of the guidelines can be used as a reverse way to suit the teachers in order to be an ideal teacher as shaped in Islamic way. This article is highly expected to enrich the teacher and teaching methodology particularly in engaging with what was the Muslim’s scholar said based on the Islamic path and how the teachers can apply it to non-religious subject.
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In-Text Citation: (Shafie et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Shafie, M. S., Baharudin, H., & Yusoff, N. M. R. N. (2022). Teaching Methodology in Kitab ‘Pelita Penuntut’: A Vice Versa of Understanding from The Teacher’s Perspective. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(6), 2052 – 2067.
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