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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Revalidation of Islamophobia Scale: The Fuzzy Delphi Method Approach

Ramlan Mustapha, Hapini Awang, Maziah Mahmud, Norhapizah Mohd Burhan, Mohd Kamal Azman Jusoh

Open access

Islamophobia is generally defined as the systematic racism against Muslims and the lived experiences of prejudice against those who are thought to be Muslim. Muslim-majority countries face a wide range of Islamophobic threats, from the global to the local to the bodily and psychological. Since the issue related to Islamophobia is an important global issue then the need for a valid measurement tool is necessary. Thus, this study aimed to revalidate the Islamophobia Scale and get an agreement and expert views for this scale. This study employs Fuzzy Delphi method using a 7 Likert scale to collect responses of 9 experts in specific fields. A total of 10 item questionnaire was given to experts for evaluation. Fuzzy Delphi method was used for data analysis. Data were analyzed using triangular fuzzy numbering (triangular fuzzy number) and position (ranking) of each variable is determined using the’ defuzzification’ process. The findings show that, response and expert consensus on the Islamophobia scale is at a good level. The overall findings of the expert consensus agreement exceed 75%, the overall value of the threshold (d)< 0.2 and a ?-cut exceeds 0.5. The priority guidelines elements were sorted by priority and were refined by adding and dropping item as recommended by experts. Further study is proposed for future researcher reference.

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In-Text Citation: (Mustapha et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Mustapha, R., Awang, H., Mahmud, M., Burhan, N. M., & Jusoh, M. K. A. (2022). Revalidation of Islamophobia Scale: The Fuzzy Delphi Method Approach. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(7), 781 – 792.