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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

A Critical Appraisal of History Taught in Secondary Schools in Kenya

Nasibi Mary W.

Open access

This study is an enquiry in to the character of the history syllabus as a means of generating and developing historical awareness as defined by authoritative historical literature. The findings indicate that the syllabus is based on Euro- centric views of history and on sex blindness of traditional historiography. It is over-patriotic in approach and suffers bias of omission in relation to the world, Africa, women, and cultural histories. The content fails to give the child a clear perspective of these histories; and a balanced view of male and female roles in the discipline. The syllabus has failed to live up to the research findings and recommendations by renowned African scholars as presented in UNESCO, General History of Africa Series and other related findings and emphasis. It is concluded that the syllabus should be reviewed to reflect recent focus on African history and in education.

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In-Text Citation: (Mary, 2015)
To Cite this Article: Mary, N. W. (2015). A Critical Appraisal of History Taught in Secondary Schools in Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 4(1), 29–43.