ISSN: 2222-6990
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Malaysia seeks to attract tourists not only by their numbers, but also by their ability to spend in Malaysia as this is vital to economic growth and employment creation. Tourists would usually spend more on the demand side of the market if the destinations deliver enticing and fun experiences that inspire the visitors to spend. Shopping is one of the leisure shopping activities that tourists often engage in. It is therefore crucial to comprehend the shopping expectation and experience attributes in the shopping sub-sector of tourism in Malaysia as there are insufficient studies on this subject in the literature. The purpose of this research paper is to identify international tourist's shopping expectation, shopping experiences, tourist shopping satisfaction, destination loyalty, and country images in Malaysia's shopping landscape. Self-administrated questionnaires were completed by 401 international tourists visiting Kuala Lumpur. Exploratory factor analysis was performed on the shopping expectation and shopping experience and had identified three underlying factors of the shopping expectation, which are named shopping atmosphere, store service orientation and merchandise expectation. The implications of these results were discussed to enable a better understanding of the niche market in tourism shopping. Future research should look into the possible factors of returning tourists more attentively to gage the outcomes of the existing shopping landscape.
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In-Text Citation: (Azmi et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Azmi, A., Zubir, H. A., Lahap, J., Hashim, N., & Wahab, M. F. A. (2022). Tourist’s Expectation, Experience, and Satisfaction of Shopping Landscape in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(9), 87 – 103.
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