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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Attributes of Preservation of Life, Property and Lineage According to Maqasid Shariah in Muslim-Friendly Hotels

Muhammad Adib bin Samsudin, Aziz Abidin bin Azmi Puat, Mohammad Zaini bin Yahaya

Open access

Security is undoubtedly an important feature of any hotel. There are various existing standards for maintaining the quality of services offered in the Muslim-friendly hotel segment; however, the safety aspect is not emphasized. Although there are various studies on the characteristics of a Muslim-friendly hotel but the elements of preservation or care of life, property and lineage, which are the pillars of Maqasid Shariah, have not received serious attention. The importance of topic is that the Maqasid Shariah Theory ought to be holistically adopted to fulfil the needs of Muslim tourists. Thus, this article will explore the attributes of the preservation of life, property, and lineage according to Maqasid Shariah in a Muslim-friendly hotel. This study employed the ‘mixed methods’ methodology (both qualitative and quantitative approaches combined) that adopted a survey design. Data were collected through interviews and a questionnaire. The interviews involved five Muslim-friendly hotel industry players, while questionnaires were distributed to 384 Muslim tourists. Interview transcripts were analysed using the thematic analysis while the questionnaires were descriptively analysed. Major findings indicate several suitable attributes that could be implemented by Muslim-friendly hotel industry players. Further research can be carried on exploring other attributes in more detail using the classification in Maqasid Shariah theory.

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In-Text Citation: (Puat et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Puat, A. A. bin A., Yahaya, M. Z. bin, & Samsudin, M. A. bin. (2022). Attributes of Preservation of Life, Property and Lineage According to Maqasid Shariah in Muslim-Friendly Hotels. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 2943–2959.