ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
E-learning is related to the use of electronic systems and applications within the learning processes. E-learning facilitates the possibility of remote interaction between students and experienced teachers/professors. In particular, E-learning facilitates an efficient way using appropriate information and communication tools and mechanisms. This study investigates the challenges that affect the E-learning implementation among university students in Yemen. This study aims to identify the factors that can affect the students’ E-learning environment. A quantitative approach is employed in this study. Questionnaires were distributed to the higher education students who were studying either in public and private universities in Yemen. Research results indicate that there are significant factors including internet discussion, technology access, motivation, and important factors for success towards the E-learning implementation in universities in Yemen. This study also shows that E-learning implementation at Yemen is still at infancy stage in education system. Nevertheless, it is recommended to use E-learning platforms as the presentation of supporting materials instead of continuing the virtual teaching. This study reveals that cultural differences, technology enhancement and education policies are vital to support the implementation of E-learning in Yemen’s universities.
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In-Text Citation: (Ahmed & Zaini, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ahmed, B. Y. M., & Zaini, S. M. (2022). The Challenges of E-learning Implementation among University Students in Yemen. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 624 – 640.
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