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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Motivation to Learn Online: The Case For Social Support

Haslenda Yusop, Suhanah Rosnan, Zuriati Ismail, Nur Huda Jaafar, Nurfazrina ., Merlinda Wibowo

Open access

This study discusses the motivation of students to learn online in public universities in Malaysia. Internet access has made online learning possible and enhanced the learning process from the physical classroom to the virtual classroom. Moreover, integrating Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) is extremely beneficial to both teachers and students because it can support the teaching and learning process in the virtual classroom. With the acceleration of technology in education, students and teachers must be highly motivated to grasp the sufficient skills to use technology to convey knowledge. Hence, this quantitative survey is conducted to examine the influence of social support, expectancy and value in giving the motivation to learn online among students. The second objective is to investigate the relationship between the variables. The questionnaire instrument was adopted from a previous study conducted by Fowler, S. (2018) and a total of 102 students from public higher education were collected. There are four sections with related questions to measure the three factors under study. In general, the result revealed that social support, expectancy, and value influence the motivation to learn online and the existence of a positive relationship between them is also predicted. Therefore, this research work can be seen as a guide to be motivated to learn online, one must have social support, expectancy, and value.

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In-Text Citation: (Yusop et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Yusop, H., Rosnan, S., Ismail, Z., Jaafar, N. H., Nurfazrina, & Wibowo, M. (2022). Motivation to Learn Online: The Case For Social Support. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(9), 1606 – 1627.