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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Speak Up! Factors Contributing towards Employee Voice Behaviour

Ahmad Fadhly Arham, Nor Sabrena Norizan, Nurul Diyana Azhari, Rizuwan Abu Karim, Irfah Najihah Basir Malan

Open access

In any business working environment, it is commonly claimed that the employees are one of the important aspects for organizational performance. Their voices are an important input for organizational sustainability and development. Thus, they need to SPEAK UP in order for their organization to act on ways for improvement. However, there has not much attention given to explore employee voice behaviour, especially within the working context in Malaysia. Taking on the employee-centric approach, this research took the initiative to explore on factors contributing towards employee voice behaviour that include supervisor and managerial support, psychological safety and work ownership. Using the SPSS version 26 method, three hypotheses were tested on data obtained from online questionnaire survey of 405 respondents working in the highway infrastructure companies. The findings indicated that the respondents perceived all the three factors as fairly important towards employee voice behaviour. However, only two of them have significant positive effects on employee voice behaviour which are work ownership, and supervisor and managerial support, but not psychological safety. The implications are also discussed.

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In-Text Citation: (Arham et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Arham, A. F., Norizan, N. S., Azhari, N. D., Karim, R. A., & Malan, I. N. B. (2022). Speak Up! Factors Contributing towards Employee Voice Behaviour. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(9), 1064 – 1074.