ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The development of Mon pottery in central Thailand for export purposes can be achieved through community participation and development guidelines where 1) local craftsmen and potters transmit their knowledge to community youths and junior craftsmen, provide hands on training and action learning where the trainees can visualize the process and techniques, 2) Produce innovative products according to market trends and consumer demands. The products should be extended to decorations and art such as fashioning the earthen pottery into lamp bases, clocks, aroma therapy burners and tableware products, 3) Community pottery producers should form a group and network with exporters in determining fair trade agreements and reasonable pricing so that the business and cooperation is sustainable by all sides, 4) Pottery products should be distributed and dispersed to markets in other provinces. The products should always be displayed and ready for export at national and foreign product exhibitions. Earthen pottery producers should work with other producers of similar products such as porcelain and ceramic producers and display their products together and 5) Promote the advantages and benefits of earthen Mon pottery.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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