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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Balancing Motivation and Self- Regulated Learning in Online Classes among Undergraduates

Noor Syazana Ngarisan, Nurul ‘Aini Harun, Nurfarhana Hassan, Nor Fauziah Abu Bakar, Mohd Lezam Lehat, Kanyanat Sakkanayok

Open access

Motivational belief and self-regulated learning are among the many vital aspects of learning particularly in the recent years after the pandemic Covid-19 hit worldwide and transformed the norm of our education system forever. Majority of educational institutions conduct online classes to adapt and students of all levels feel the burden to familiarize themselves with the new learning method. This quantitative study which was adopted from the framework by Pintrich and De Groot (1990) is performed to investigate the balance of motivation and self-regulated learning in online classes specifically among undergraduates at one Malaysian public university. Questionnaires were sent to 122 respondents of different genders and ages. The data is analyzed using SPSS which revealed a Cronbach analysis of 0.928, thus showing high external reliability for the instrument. Collected data is presented in terms of mean scores to answer the research questions. In general, the result revealed that students' motivation belief which comprises self-efficacy, intrinsic value and test anxiety can directly correlate and have an impact on the ability of students to apply self-regulated learning strategies whether cognitive strategy or self-regulation. Overall mean calculated for self-efficacy is 3.57, intrinsic value is 4.02 and test anxiety is 3.6. Meanwhile, cognitive strategy is 3.825 and self-regulation is 3.58. For further research, since the world will slowly go back to the face-to-face method, we can study how this transition to a physical classroom impacted students’ motivation to continue learning and excel in their studies as compared to online classes.

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In-Text Citation: (Ngarisan et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ngarisan, N. S., Harun, N. A. N. H., Bakar, N. F. A., Lehat, M. L., & Sakkanayok, K. (2022). Balancing Motivation and Self- Regulated Learning in Online Classes among Undergraduates. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 568 – 584.