ISSN: 2222-6990
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The act of fasting in the month of Sha’ban holds virtues that it may have a positive effect on the behaviour of a Muslim according to religious tradition. Therefore , fasting in Sha’ban is strongly recommended for Muslims before entering the holy month of Ramadhan. To date, there has been no empirical study to investigate this effect. Therefore, the study of this matter is important because it can prove to the community about the advantages and effectiveness of circumcision fasting, including fasting in the month of Sha'ban, on the personal development of a person in a better direction. The aim of the present study is to explore the effects of voluntary fasting in Sha’ban on the behaviour. In completing this study, a short-term longitudinal design methodology was used. A total of 111 participants completed the questionnaire repeatedly throughout the month of Sha’ban. Data analysis was carried out using 7.0 hierarchical linear modelling (HLM) methods. Results showed a positive and significant effects of fasting in Sha’ban on the behaviour changes prior to Ramadan. This finding supports the notion that fasting in Sha’ban has an effect on behaviour reveals the hidden wisdom of voluntary fasting performed during the month of Sha'ban prior to the holy month of Ramadan. The results of the study also found that when a person fasts Sha'ban will increase his positive personality at the beginning of Ramadan which is from a value of 0.36 to 0.40. The findings of this study support the evidence found in the Qur'an and hadith about the advantages of fasting, including the circumcision fasting of Sha'ban. Muslims should therefore strive to perform the voluntary act of fasting during the month of Sha'ban following the positive effects proffered to one’s personality in preparing for a spiritual journey in the holy month of Ramadan. The next study can continue with the study of the relationship between Ramadan fasting and circumcision fasting in the month of Syawal. If the fasting of Sha'ban has a relationship and role in the formation of the personality of students, then it is not impossible that the fasting of Ramadan will also have a positive effect on the personality in the month of Syawal.
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In-Text Citation: (Hassan et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Hassan, W. Z. W., Harun, C. S. C., Mastor, K. A., Idris, F., & Mahmood, A. R. (2022). The Effects of Fasting in The Month of Sya’ban on Good Behavior and Character Building Prior to Ramadan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(9), 183 – 197.
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