ISSN: 2222-6990
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People nowadays are racing to build sky-scrapers as a benchmark of material progress while ignoring the need to build morality in each self. This situation is exactly like the people of ‘Ad who were granted by Allah the blessing of the ability to build great buildings and then, Allah ended their civilization by illustrating their death as fallen date palm trees. The objective of this study is to examine the wisdom and ibrah (lesson) beyond the parable of the destruction of ‘Ad people in Chapter al-Qamar verse 20 in the Qur’an about the fallen date palm trees. This qualitative study used content analysis from the books of well-known exegetical, scientific studies, and authorized journals. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively and thematic to obtain the results. Thus, the results show that the analogous is an insult to the state of death of ‘Ad people where they were decapitated, and the lesson learned from the parable reminded that it was important to keep progressing the material successful with spiritual elements which were not associating partners with Allah in worship (shirk), obedience to His messengers, self-preservation and guarding the lust.
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In-Text Citation: (Mustaza et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Mustaza, N. N. binti, Mohd Faizulamri Mohd Saad, H. I., Mohamad, S., & Ataa, N. S. M. (2022). The Development of Akhlaq (Morality) in The Modern Era Based on The Contemplation of Parable From The ‘Ad People. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(9), 1685 – 1692.
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