ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Covid-19 has created public fear and tourism industry is among the most affected sectors with many travel restrictions put in place. Since there is still a lot of uncertainty about international tourism, people are looking for safer methods to restart some sense of normalcy in travel. Staycation is becoming more popular as a convenient method to unwind without having to travel far, however it is important to look at the tourists’ feelings of the negative consequences that might occur during travel. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the travel risk perception and travel intention on staycation in Malaysia among domestic travellers. 384 responses were collected using a cross-sectional study to overview the recent changes in travel risk (threat vulnerability, threat severity, self-efficacy and response efficacy) and travel intention on staycation. The study revealed that the travellers realized how vulnerable they were to being infected by the virus. They tend to express their acceptance cautiously since they are willing to take preventive measures. As compared to many other types of travel, respondents seemed to believe that staycations are safe. Overall findings of this study are valuable for stakeholders and policymakers to make better decisions and bare the implications in tourism recovery.
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In-Text Citation: (Karim et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Karim, N. I. A., Ambotud, A., Rahim, F. A. A., & Ariff, N. A. N. (2022). Travel Risk Perception and Travel Intention on Staycation in Malaysia: Post Covid-19. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 557 – 567.
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