ISSN: 2222-6990
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Customer purchase depends on various factors including the context where the purchase takes place. Customer purchase through online platforms differs greatly from customer purchase that takes place at physical premises. Even at the physical premises, the extent of purchase might vary depending on the products offered, the environment, the value received by customers and the price charged by the retailers. The present study is important to identify factors that lead to customer purchase intention by looking at selected factors consisting of products offered, the environment, the value received by customers and the price charged. These factors are hypothesized to influence customer satisfaction that will subsequently lead to purchase intention. This study used correlational research design to answer the research question. Using a hierarchical regression analysis to analyze 157 responses collected via online survey from customers at a particular mall in Malaysia, the findings indicate that price and product offerings are directly related to purchase intention and customer satisfaction does not mediate the relationship between these factors and purchase intention. The findings contribute to the existing body knowledge in terms of the factors the influence purchase intention among customers of a shopping mall. Future studies are encouraged to confirm the findings of the present study using different study settings.
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In-Text Citation: (Othman et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Othman, A. K., Bahaldin, A., Rahman, M. K. A., Abas, M. K., & Sibghatullah, A. (2022). Factors that Influence Customer Purchase Intention: A Case of Shopping Mall Customers. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 814 – 826.
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