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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Investigating Students’ Learning Motivation Based on Value, Expectancy and Affective Components

Norhisyam Jenal, Siti Aishah Taib, Siti Mariam Mohammad Iliyas, Nadzrah Sa’adan, Noor Shahariah Saleh, Maisarah Noorezam

Open access

Students’ learning motivation has been affected greatly during the COVID-19 pandemic due to the new challenges posed by the online learning environment. Thus, this study aims to investigate how the value, expectancy, and affective components form students’ learning motivation during this crisis. This quantitative study was conducted by distributing a Likert-scale questionnaire with three main sections: Section A- Value Components (12 items), Section B- Expectancy Components (7 items), and Section C- Affective Components: Test Anxiety (5 items), to students at a public university in Malaysia. The questionnaire was answered by 150 respondents and the data were analysed by using descriptive statistics via IBM SPSS version 28. The findings revealed that the respondents reacted positively in all the three components: Value, Expectancy, and Affective Components. In the Value Components, extrinsic goal orientation received the highest mean scores when compared with intrinsic goal motivation orientation and task value beliefs, while in the Expectancy Components, control beliefs for learning obtaining higher mean scores than students’ perception of self-efficacy. Meanwhile, in Affective Component, the findings demonstrate that the respondents were anxious in taking a test or an exam. Pedagogical implications and future research of the study were also discussed in this paper.

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In-Text Citation: (Jenal et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Jenal, N., Taib, S. A., Iliyas, S. M. M., Sa’adan, N., Saleh, N. S., & Noorezam, M. (2022). Investigating Students’ Learning Motivation Based on Value, Expectancy, and Affective Components. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 641 – 661.