ISSN: 2222-6990
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Computer programming self-efficacy is the tool to measure the students’ competencies in programming either success or fail. It is important for the students in all over the world and in Malaysia because if the score is low, the students must work harder and find the solution or ways to learn programming effectively. Then, for the instructor, it can be the guideline to plan the teaching material and mechanism to deliver the subject. This research re-validates the computer programming self-efficacy that can be tailored to Malaysian students. This research was used the Fuzzy-Delphi Method that adopt the questionnaire in the literature. This questionnaire has five main item which are Logical Thinking, Cooperation, Algorithm, Control and Debug to measure the student’s self-efficacy. The item in the questionnaire were re-validated by five programming experts in order to tailor the questionnaire in the Malaysia context. The findings of the research were the expert agreement on the acceptance of the item used in the questionnaire. The result shows all the experts agreed almost 100% of the item used.
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In-Text Citation: (Ismail & Razak, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ismail, N. Z. B., & Razak, M. R. Bin. (2022). Revalidation on Computer Programming Self-Efficacy Scale using Fuzzy-Delphi Method Approach. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(9), 661 – 673.
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