ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Social cognitive learning is where an individual gain knowledge through observation and imitating of others’ behaviours in different environment and setting. This method of learning also can be implemented through online learning. Consequently, online learning has shown significant growth recently, as the education combined with internet for providing people with the opportunity to gain new skills. The online learning has become more centric in people live since the COVID-19 outbreak. The pandemic has forced schools, universities, and companies to remote working, and this booms the usage of online learning. Thus, this study aims to explore the social cognitive learning in the online learning environment. This study was conducted by distributing a set of questionnaires to 163 students from higher institutions in Malaysia. The respondents were of age 18 to 32 years from social sciences, and science and technology disciplines and their level of study were from diploma to master’s degree. The questionnaires consist of 30 items divided into four sections, namely, learner-centred, community-centred, assessment-centred and knowledge-centred. The findings reported that all factors such as behavioural, cognitive and environment are significant and influence the learning environment. From this result, by integrating the principles of social cognitive learning in the online learning environment, the engagement between students and educators are believed to have positive feedback.
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In-Text Citation: (Ahmad et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ahmad, S. N., Thangal, T. B. T., Misman, F. N., Yunos, N. M., Alimon, N. I., & How, H. E. (2022). Exploring Social Cognitive Learning in The Online Learning Environment. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 1947 – 1966.
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