ISSN: 2222-6990
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This paper aims to study disruptive business models’ effectiveness in the Malaysian market. The study will focus on why there is a need for disruptive business models and how to execute the model and the benefits also criticism of the business model. In further, this paper also aims to explore the characteristics of that conceptualize and element influence in qualifying disruptive business model. This study also explores the source of events that occurred in Malaysia that derived the changes in the Malaysian market, how the Government made changes in response to the event’s occurrence, and how the firms reacted to both the market situation and government response. The Asian crisis was an eye-opening event for Malaysia; invaluable lessons of the crisis were reflected in its relentless efforts as well as its persistent commitment to fiscal and structural reforms, making Malaysia become financially sound and more resilient to exogenous and endogenous shocks under extreme but plausible market events. The literature on disruptive business models will be analyzed using a simple literature matrix method. By the end of the discussion, this study will see the links and correlation between the purpose of disruptive business models against the impact on its stakeholders and ecosystem members. In conclusion, this study found Corporate Social Responsibility, industry 4.0 and cloud computing, and Fintech are elements that influence the effectiveness of disruptive business models. This study suggests identifying the level of effectiveness, the researcher should further with empirical study.
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In-Text Citation: (Yusoff et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Yusoff, Y. H., Adnan, M. F., Wahab, A. N. A., Ariff, I. R. M., & Mohsin, M. K. R. (2022). Effective Business Disruptive Model in Malaysia: Concept Paper. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 2773 – 2785.
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