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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Extent of Analytical Procedures Implementation (International Standard on Auditing No. 520) in Limited Liability Companies

Mohammed Eid Al-Hajaia

Open access

The study aims to identify the extent of analytical procedure Implementation (International Standard on Auditing-ISA No. 520) in limited liability companies-LLC. The study population consisted of external auditors from non-big 4 companies. A questionnaire was developed and distributed to the study population, 110 questionnaires were retrained, and 10 questionnaires were excluded, resulting in 100 questionnaires were analyzed. To achieve the goal of the study, the descriptive analytical approach was relied on using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) program. One of the most important results of the study is that; the external auditor realizes the Implementation of the basic requirements of the ISA No. 520 for analytical procedures in LLC. The auditor faces external difficulties when conducting analytical procedures such as training and courses, weak accounting systems, The use of non-financial data and the difficulty of understanding the requirements for the Implementation of ISA No. 520 in light of the corona pandemic and remote auditing. The most important recommendations of the study are to urge external auditors to adopt continuous training and development to face emergency conditions and to develop an alternative plan, such as developing a plan for a remote auditing

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The Jordanian Companies Law No. 34 of 2017 and its amendments.

Al-Hajaia, M. E. (2022). The Extent of Analytical Procedures Implementation (International Standard on Auditing No. 520) in Limited Liability Companies. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(9), 1154 – 1169.