ISSN: 2222-6990
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The purpose of this study is to make an overview of the unemployment situation in the Commonwealth of Independent Countries, realizing an analysis of the implemented policies, of the macroeconomic factors influencing its trends in the last 20 years, using specialized theories and research papers. This study uses simple and multiple regression analysis of a balanced panel data set to validate the relationship between unemployment and numerous factors of interest. Findings are robust, considering multiple testing on various axis, such as changing the dependent variable unemployment with a similar proxy and adding other control variables. Our results help the assessment of the general degree and relationship between various factors, shaping the evolution of unemployment, which might be useful for policymakers as well as for regular individuals, who want to understand better why unemployment is sharp in this area. Still, the analysed relationships cannot sufficiently help improving the great problem posed by unemployment in these countries, as there are multiple nuances, micro- and macro-economic factors that make the overall state of the economy very unstable, hence difficult to predict, leaving avenue for future research directions of ours.
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In-Text Citation: (Ligia & Daria, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ligia, V. V., & Daria, S. (2022). Determinants of Unemployment - Empirical Evidence from Commonwealth of Independent States. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 2051 – 2077.
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