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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Systematic Literature Review Analysis for Trends in The Study of Islamic Thought in Career Development

Ahmad Rosli Mohd Nor, Noor Aziera Mohamad Rohana, Noormala Rabu, Abdul Azim Akbar, Dziauddin Sharif

Open access

This study was conducted to find the trends of studies for career development from Islamic perspective and popular sources of Islamic career argument by analyzing the past literature that discuss the career development in Islam. It was guided by ‘The Academic Journal Guide 2018’ issued by the Chartered Association of Business Schools. A total of 53 quantitative research papers and 29 qualitative papers were selected and reviewed from the Scopus and the WoS Indexed Journal from the year 2016 - 2021. The discussion of the study limited to the practical implications for individual career development in stages of exploration (15-24 years) and Establishment (25-44 years) base on Super Theory. The study uniquely synergized on systematic assessment that combine with Islamic perspective from various source. The study shows work ethics, spiritual and manners in workplace become the trends for the Islamic Career Development’s studies. It also shows that Islamic thought embraces careers as part of world's human development and 33% of the paper used Islamic scholar, al-Ghazali as a main source of information for study of Islamic Career. Other popular sources like al-Qur’an, Hadith and Islamic scholar also included in the studies. The study suggested to focus more on the significant differences between subjective and objective career development according to Islamic law in the future

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In-Text Citation: (Nor et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Nor, A. R. M., Rohana, N. A. M., Rabu, N., Akbar, A. A., & Sharif, D. (2022). Systematic Literature Review Analysis for Trends in The Study of Islamic Thought in Career Development. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(11), 2945 – 2956.