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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

An Investigation on Effects of Spiritual Leadership towards Employee’s Happiness Using Structural Equation Modeling

Farnaz Beheshti Zavvareh, Batool Samangooei

Open access

Some believe that there is always a link between happiness and an individual health. This paper addresses a researched question as: How does a leader’s spiritual beliefs and spiritual practices affects on happiness as perceived by ones followers. In this study, it was constructed an original model to carry out a research analysis at some universities in Isfahan. The main objective of the researched model is to investigate the employee’s happiness in terms of spiritual leadership. We used Structural Equation Modeling. In our proposed model, we assume that spiritual leadership is composed of: The values of vision, hope/faith, altruistic love, meaning/ calling and, membership. Additionally there is a link from spiritual leadership to happiness. The research was applied over 90 employees in universities of Isfahan. According to prepared results, it has been determined that the constructed model is significant and employee’s happiness and has some positive significant correlations with spiritual leadership.