ISSN: 2222-6990
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Work burnout among academicians is not a new phenomenon. A better understanding of work burnout and what sources can cause it will help to reduce the stress level among academicians. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relationship between the sources of work burnout by embedding the Mclelland’s needs theory which has 3 basic needs of power component, achievement component and affiliation component. A questionnaire-based study was conducted on 30 respondents and this study used a quantitative method. The 5-likert scale instrument used a survey adapted from McClelland (1965) and Kristensen, Borritz, Villadsen, & Christensen (2005). It has 4 sections; Section A is the demographic profile. Section B has 12 items on Power, section C has 14 items on Achievement and section D has 12 items on Affiliation. The finding of the study indicates that the sources of work burnout were at moderate level for all components. From the above finding on personal burnout which is influenced by the need for power the result shows that the needs in the workplace moderately can influence personal burnout among academics. Most respondents agreed that they feel tired and physically exhausted when power influences their work routines. The colleague-related burnout faced by respondents is at a moderate level. Findings in this study bear interesting implications in work needs and work burnout.
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In-Text Citation: (Kamarudin et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Kamarudin, N. A., Moulton, N. H., Fuzi, S. F. S. M., Yussoff, N. E., Shazali, N. M., Mahmud, M. B., & Rahmat, N. H. (2023). Sources of Work Burnout: A Look At Their Relationship. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(7), 1692 – 1705.
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