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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Postgraduate Use of Learning Strategies: Are the Strategies Related to One Another?

Fadilah Puteh, Asiyah Kassim, Suseela Devi, Asha Katamba

Open access

Higher education has become undisputed platform of autonomous learning in which students must learn to self-regulate their own learning and apply it within their environment. Likewise, applying learning strategies has been associated with academic performance as it is proven able to increase the probabilities of students’ success rates in universities. Past studies revealed that students often fail to benefit from the learning strategies as they repeatedly adopted ineffective strategies when studying and many could not even recognize the use of certain strategies to regulate their learning. This study examines various learning strategies among postgraduate students in one of the largest public universities in Malaysia. This study employs quantitative method using the 5-likert scale survey instruments adapted from Wenden and Rubin (1987). Results from the survey indicated high mean value for all the components of learning strategies consist of cognitive strategy, metacognitive self-regulation, and resource management. This revealed that postgraduate students have employed the learning strategies in their studies just as the undergraduate students. For future research more variables should be tested to determine the relationship of the learning strategies with other predictors and consider using qualitative data and socio-psychological research to maximize the evidence-based implementation for the learning technique and broaden understanding of the characteristics studied.

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In-Text Citation: (Puteh et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Puteh, F., Kassim, A., Devi, S., & Katamba, A. (2022). Postgraduate Use of Learning Strategies: Are the Strategies Related to One Another? International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 2718 – 2737.