ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Numerous studies have discovered that students' performance in Calculus I contributed to one of the highest failure rates in Mathematics courses among Universiti Teknologi MARA students. According to the results of Assessment 1 of the March-August 2022 session, which covers the topics of limits, continuity, and differentiation, most students were unable to obtain high or full marks on the topic of differentiation when compared to the topic of limits. Meanwhile, in Assessment 3 (group video presentation), which focuses on differentiation, most students gain nearly full marks. This assessment is used to encourage critical thinking, analytical, and communication skills, as well as effective teamwork and problem-solving methods. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to determine whether group video presentation can assist students in gaining a deeper understanding of the differentiation topic, as well as to investigate students' perceptions of this type of assessment for their learning differentiation topics in the Calculus I subject. The survey questionnaire was distributed to 86 full-time diploma students enrolled in Calculus I. The findings show that students are willing to accept that learning differentiation topics should be approached in a more technological manner.
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In-Text Citation: (Ali et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ali, N. A. @, Yahya, N. A., Sarudin, E. S., & Saleh, S. S. M. (2022). Examining The Students’ Understanding Level on the Concept of Differentiation Topics in Calculus I Subject. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 1581 – 1590.
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