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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Logical Knowledge in The Philosophy and Current Issues Course At Malaysian Tertiary Education Institutions: A Conceptual Paper

Norafifah binti Ab Hamid, Mahfuzah binti Mohammed Zabidi, Siti Nurul Izza binti Hashim, Nor Azlina binti Abd Wahab, Mohd Amirul bin Atan

Open access

Due to the presence of abundant technological and informative advancements in today's world, the current generation should embrace logical knowledge in shaping their skills especially in becoming critical thinkers. With respect to this, logical knowledge is known as one of the branches of knowledge that functions in directing an individual’s thoughts by carefully filtering the information received before making credible decisions or conclusions. Therefore, the present study seeks to discover the importance of understanding logical knowledge from the context of the Philosophy and Current Issues course, a university core course that is taught at all higher learning institutions in Malaysia. The data for this qualitative study was collected through documentation and content analysis methods involving the syllabus of the Philosophy and Current Issues course. The findings, there are five importance of logical knowledge to students which are i) drives students’ thoughts towards a systematic way of thinking ii) as a foundation for students to understand other types of knowledge iii) as a foundation for students in academic research iv) as a guide for students to distinguish between the truth and falsehood v) Logical Knowledge trains students to think critically.

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In-Text Citation: (Hamid et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Hamid, N. binti A., Zabidi, M. binti M., Hashim, S. N. I. binti, Wahab, N. A. binti A., & Atan, M. A. bin. (2022). Logical Knowledge in The Philosophy and Current Issues Course At Malaysian Tertiary Education Institutions: A Conceptual Paper. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(11), 2036 – 2044.