ISSN: 2222-6990
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The issue of religious violence is indeed the biggest problem that Muslims must face to this date. It has damaged the image of Islam in the eyes of the world. The development of this movement is driven by various factors whether internal or external. In addition, it also involves women as combatants as well as victims of war. In this regard, this study will discuss the factors of Malaysian women's involvement in the movement of religious extremism, in particular involving Malaysian women's participation in the ISIS movement in Syria and Iraq. Usually, it involves various factors whether it is internal or external that causes them to be easily influenced by this movement. In order to achieve these objectives, this qualitative study was conducted through library approach and interviews with the deradicalization experts, case witnesses and police authorities. The data collected were analysed inductively to formulate the findings. The findings show that Malaysian women's involvement in religious extremism is driven by a variety of factors, including ignorance and extreme bigotry, but are tricked by sweet promises such as heavenly reward and marriage with the male fighter. They are easily exploited and manipulated by the male fighters. Therefore, women's involvement in extremist groups should be constrained accordingly.
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Informant 1. The interview was made on 4th December 2017.
Informant 2. The interview was made on 8th March and 26 Mei 2018.
Informant 3. The interview was made on 14th December 2017.
Informant 4. The interview was made on 13th July 2018.
Informant 5. The interview was made on 27th July 2018.
Informant 6. The interview was made on 16th July 2018.
In-Text Citation: (Razak et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Razak, M. I. A., Rahman, M. F. A., Noor, A. F. M., Shukor, K. A., & Kadir, N. A. A. (2022). An Analysis of The Factors of Malaysian Women’s Involvement in The Movement of Religious Extremism. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 675 – 692.
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