ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study identifies the main areas and current dynamics of repayment behaviour with regards to microfinance and suggests future research directions. We explored a selection of 258 papers from the Scopus database using bibliometric analysis to find research on repayment behaviour in terms of microfinance between 1996 and early 2022. Based on various citations and publications, as well as their location and relevance within the network, we identified the most influential articles and authors. We also analysed topics, seek for impediments to expansion in the literature, and recommend study topics for the future. The data was incorporated by using the Publish or Perish software, while for data visualised was used VOSviewer. For data analysis, SPSS and Microsoft Excel were employed. Standard bibliometric analysis is presented based on the growth trend of publications, research output, and citation analysis. Based on the search, a total of 258 documents were retrieved. In the years 2019 to 2021, studies on repayment behaviour show an increasing trend. The majority of the research works have been written in English and published in journals and conference proceedings. Most of the research related to repayment behaviour is in the area of finance. ’Microfinance’ and ‘repayment’ are the most frequent keywords used and represent the main areas of research on microfinance repayment behaviour. This research is on the development of studies on repayment behaviour in relation to microfinance and identifies both areas of current research interest and potential directions for future research.
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In-Text Citation: (Hassan et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Hassan, M. H. A., Muhamad, A. I., & Mansor, R. (2022). Bibliometric Analysis of Published Literature on Repayment Behaviour in Microfinance. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 703 – 717.
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