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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Bullying Symptoms and Their Effects on Victims

Amran Abdul Halim, Norazmi Anas, Mohd Syukri Mohd Noor, Mohamad Qamarulzaman Mohamad Zani, Abdulloh Salaeh, Walid Mohd. Said, Helimy Aris

Open access

Bullying symptoms refer to aggressive acts or behaviors aimed at abusing/torturing the others who are weaker than the bully, which can cause physical or psychological harm to the victim. In addition, victims of bullying will feel depressed, terrified, apprehensive, and agitated the whole time, with some suffering serious and permanent injuries, and even worse – death. Hence, this study aims to discuss the definitions and concepts of bullying symptoms, the effects on the victims, and the reasons of suppression by the victims. There are (9) reasons of the suppression: (i) Shame and embarrassment, (ii) Fear of retaliation, (iii) Fears of making things worse, (iv) Desire for acceptance, (v) Fear of not being believed, (vi) Concerned about "snitching", (vii) Low self-esteem, (viii) Failure to recognize bullying, and (ix) Thinking that it would not help. Therefore, the bullying symptoms need to be given a serious attention by all parties including the victims themselves, to reduce the number of cases from time to time, and to avoid the risk of fatal injuries.

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In-Text Citation: (Halim et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Halim, A. A., Norazmi Anas, M. S. M. N., Zani, M. Q. M., Salaeh, A., Said, W. M., & Aris, H. (2022). Bullying Symptoms and Their Effects on Victims. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(11), 1707 – 1715.