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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Halal Cosmetic Products: Analysis of The Level of Understanding and Awareness among Uitm Cawangan Kelantan Staff

Nur Hidayah Zakaria, Zanirah Mustafa @ Busu, Badriah Nordin, Norazmila Yusuf, Mohd Miqdad Aswad Ahmad

Open access

The question of halal and haram is an important aspect to be given attention where it is closely related to the question of the faith of Muslims. The use of a cosmetic product should be based on the concept of halal and good. The problem that often arises is the existence of doubts among consumers about the halal status of cosmetic products. Muslim consumers should be concerned about cosmetic products that comply with Islamic requirements. A worrying phenomenon that occurs nowadays is that there are many cosmetic products on the market that are not clearly identified owners and manufacturers, the method of preparation in terms of source is halal toyyiba and quality, approval from the authorities in terms of halal, hygiene status, health and safety to users of cosmetic products. However, the demand and use of cosmetics among the community in Malaysia is increasing. Therefore, this issue deserves attention. The objective of this writing is to identify the level of awareness and knowledge of UiTM staff on halal cosmetic products. Do they care about the halal status they use on a daily basis? In addition, it aims to identify the factors of cosmetic selection among them. This writing will also provide some suggestions for improvement to those in charge. The method used in this writing is through the method of data collection survey questionnaires distributed to respondents to measure the level of awareness among female staff at UiTM Cawangan Kelantan on the use of halal cosmetic products. Library research methods and interview methods were also used as sources of information in this writing. The results of this writing can provide an overview of the importance of awareness and knowledge on the use of halal cosmetic products. Research on this topic can be used as a guide and utilized in an effort to solve the problems of the ummah today and be used as a standard for institutions and countries that are in line with Islamic requirements.

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In-Text Citation: (Zakaria et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Zakaria, N. H., Busu, Z. M. @, Nordin, B., Yusuf, N., & Ahmad, M. M. A. (2022). Halal Cosmetic Products: Analysis of The Level of Understanding and Awareness among Uitm Cawangan Kelantan Staff. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 1131 – 1145.