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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Philosophy of Keris Design in Malay Civilization

Nor Afian Yusof, Hamdzun Haron Haron, Lim Kar Keng, Maharam Mamat

Open access

Keris has been recognised as a Malay weaponry tool alongside spear (tombak), sword (pedang), dagger (badik), rust (kelewang), kerabit, and many others. Its status as Malay defence tool has been elevated to the highest level in Malay civilisation, rendering it superior to others due to its function, its refined philosophy and high value of aesthetic arts. Keris is not a strange culture in the communities of the Malay Archipelago as it is symbolic to the Malay supremacy and sovereignty since a long time ago. The function of a keris has experienced a lot of changes, from the early creation of the weapon to an amulet, an idolised heritage, an epitome of family ties, a mark of good deeds, a symbol of rank or degree to item of arts and souveniers. It embodies various Malay philosophies and civilisation values. The uniqueness of keris is explained in the physical and non-physical forms by the owner or blacksmith. Frey (2010) states that keris is the most significant epitome of culture for the Malay community. Due to its significance, it also displays the dignity and status of the Malays as a civilised nation. The men will not be out of their homes without a keris, as they would be seen as naked without it. Despite the keris having various looks and styles due to the different locations and borders, ethnic groups, but the core and function remain the same. In general, it is not only a mere weapon or part of the whole ensemble, but it goes beyond that. It is a hallmark of Malay integrity and identity, in which contains various philosophies of Malay civilisation. The writer will discuss the history and background of keris, the parts of a keris, and the philosophy behind the function and role in Malay civilisation in this article.

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In-Text Citation: (Yusof et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Yusof, N. A., Haron, H., Keng, L. K., & Mamat, M. (2022). The Philosophy of Keris Design in Malay Civilization. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(11), 2401 – 2421.