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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Understanding Knowledge Transfer Within Mnc Subsidiary Through Episodes

Jamsari Alias, Norazila Mat

Open access

With the expansion of the multinational corporation (MNC) has come a necessity to comprehend how parent companies manage the operations of their subsidiaries and transfer knowledge to them. Japanese businesses have been leading the way in this area, using methods like the Toyota Production System (TPS) to transmit the philosophy of Japanese manufacturing and uphold quality and control in foreign operations. The process of transferring Japanese manufacturing skills has received a great deal of attention, but little is known about how the subsidiaries themselves, which are expected to employ these processes, actually acquire and integrate them into their operations. This paper looks at the transfer of manufacturing knowledge from the parent business to the subsidiary from their point of view. An in-depth qualitative research was, therefore, conducted in the subsidiary of a Japanese multinational, involving three primary manufacturing projects (or philosophies), namely ‘TPS’, ‘TPM’ and ‘TS’. The case data were obtained from 52 in-depth interviews with project members, moderate-participant observations, and documentations. This research advances our comprehension of knowledge transfer in light of the methods applied within the subsidiary, how the whole process is developed, and more importantly, the usage of episodes in snapshots are utilized in understanding the process.

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In-Text Citation: (Alias & Mat, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Alias, J., & Mat, N. (2022). Understanding Knowledge Transfer Within Mnc Subsidiary Through Episodes. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 1500 – 1514.