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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Social Support and Challenges on a Microsystem Level for Children in Government Residential Care in Pattani, Thailand

Arina Charansarn, Azlinda Azman

Open access

This study intends to specifically examine the social support on a microsystem level for children in government residential care in Pattani, Thailand (Pattani Home for Girls). This study will look at how to gain proper support from people who are directly involved with the children through social support challenges on a microsystem level as well as how to enhance the wellbeing of children in government residential care settings. In Pattani Home for Girls, 12 child caregivers participated as respondents. Following that, a theme analysis was performed. The findings of this study revealed that family, friends, and people surrounding the children were dimensions that had a significant influence on the challenges faced by the children while being in government residential care. Furthermore, this study strongly suggests that social support on a microsystem level for children should focus more on providing emotional support, such as encouraging and empowering them, showing a sense of love, providing a sense of care, increasing children's self-esteem, and increasing the positive ability to participate between children and those they should live with in and out of residential care, as these factors play a significant role in enhancing children's abilities for better wellbeing in the long run.

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In-Text Citation: (Charansarn & Azman, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Charansarn, A., & Azman, A. (2022). Social Support and Challenges on a Microsystem Level for Children in Government Residential Care in Pattani, Thailand. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(11), 238 – 248.