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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The SEM SmartPLS Model Assessment: Mediating Influence of Technology Infrastructure Support on Human Capital Determinants in TVET Institutions

Farahiyah Akmal Mat Nawi, Mazlina Mamat, Julaina Baistaman, Mariam Setapa, Nur Haslina Ramli

Open access

This study attempts to construct a model assessment of SEM SmartPLS application in assessing the contribution of technology infrastructure support on human capital determinants among TVET lecturers. The compatibility concept of person-organization among academicians is one of the strategic aims for the Ministry of Education as it was stated in Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015-2025 (higher Education). Apart from that, technology infrastructure support is also seen as a significant tool in boosting the quality of public education institutions where the chalk and paper method is no longer relevant in current education environment. This study assesses the role of ability, education, experience, knowledge, skill and training as the determinants of human capital and its significant contribution towards the institution performance. Then technological infrastructure supports also been examine as the mediator to recognize its affect towards performance. A theoretical model was under-pinned by the theory of Human Capital (HC),Resource Based View theory and Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence, which consist of six independent constructs, one mediating construct and one dependent construct. To achieve the research objectives a quantitative study has been carried out to among lecturers from 9 polytechnic campuses in the East Coast, Malaysia. A survey consisting of 63 items with 7 Likert scale was distributed to 1478 of TVET lecturers and 398 samples were successfully collected using the Stratified Sampling procedure. Next data were then analysed using the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) approach on SmartPLS3 platform to test the hypotheses. The results confirmed the hypotheses in determining the direct and significant effect between the constructs.The result revealed that skill, knowledge and training had significant and positive relationship towards the performance.Significantly, this study contributes a substantial finding to help the TVET institution in recognizing the role of HC determinants and technology infrastructure support in consolidating their human resources.

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In-Text Citation: (Nawi et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Nawi, F. A. M., Mamat, M., Baistaman, J., Setapa, M., & Ramli, N. H. (2022). The SEM SmartPLS Model Assessment: Mediating Influence of Technology Infrastructure Support on Human Capital Determinants in TVET Institutions. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(11), 2724 – 2735.