ISSN: 2222-6990
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This research focuses on commercial bank performance and looks at the knowledge management of the structure, an innovative culture, leadership, employees’ growth mindsets, and fintech adoption. The banking sector is chosen because it is part of the service sector, meaning that whether they are in back-office, management, or front-line positions, staff are meant to serve the customers. Therefore, any behavioural and emotional displays by employees will affect customers’ decisions and reactions. As for the banks, fintech is revolutionizing the banking industry by incorporating artificial intelligence, big data, block chain, crowd financing, and digital payments into commercial banks. This puts performance of the bank sector at risk. For this reason, the banking sector is vulnerable making bank employees a suitable choice for this study.This research is relevant to policymakers, financial practitioners, and scholars in the area of study. This research contributes practical implications and increases the literature in this area of study. Overall, this study could have impacts at the individual level (employees), organizational level (bank performance), and country level (ministry of finance).
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In-Text Citation: (Baosheng & Rashid, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Baosheng, X., & Rashid, I. M. A. (2023). Knowledge Management, Growth Mindset, Fintech Adoption and Commercial Bank Performance in China. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(1), 1378 – 1387.
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