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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Nexus Leadership Theory to Practice: Educational Leadership Development Through Service Learning Malaysia - University For Society (Sulam)

Intan Maizura Abd Rashid, Mohd Rasdi Zaini, Muhammad Fairuz Jamil, Mastura Roni, Akmal Adanan, Syahril Iman Faisal

Open access

Institutions must take into account the factors that make leadership experiences relevant in order to offer students high-quality leadership opportunities. It is crucial that formal education in leadership theories and principles, real-world experience, and reflection on those experiences in light of formal education constitute a well-rounded trio that makes up leadership education through service learning Malaysia - university for society (SULAM). An effective collaboration between student affairs and academic affairs produces experiences that deepen this discernment, a live laboratory for knowledge acquisition, and the chance for thoughtful insights from fusing theory and practise. This idea is supported by theoretical frameworks in leadership education, experiential learning, and reflection. Experience-based education, or service learning, incorporates real-world situations into the academic curriculum. Constructivism and experiential education, which have contributed to framing service learning as an opportunity for students to apply their knowledge within the community, serve as its theoretical and practical pillars. These pillars include community engagement and the educational advantages of experiential learning. Before identifying the issues associated to such demands, students will first obtain an awareness of the community's needs.

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In-Text Citation: (Rashid et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Rashid, I. M. A., Zaini, M. R., Jamil, M. F., Awang, A. H., Roni, M., Adanan, A., & Faisal, S. I. (2023). Nexus Leadership Theory to Practice: Educational Leadership Development Through Service Learning Malaysia - University For Society (Sulam). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(1), 1388 – 1397.